Create an articulated doll and wooden hand with Marabu DO IT Craft Paint

Articulated dolls and hands are a classic for people with an affinity for drawing and art. They also make great, practical decorative objects that can hold accessories such as jewelry, glasses, or headphones.

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How it is done:

  • Cover the work area and prepare the materials. Clean the manikins and wooden hand, if necessary. They should be clean, dry, and free of dust.
  • First prime the articulated dolls and the articulated hand with Marabu DO IT Craft Paint. Let the paint dry from time to time. The limbs can then be moved to cover the wood with paint at all angles. Do not use too much paint, especially on the joints, so that they can be moved easily.
  • After applying the base coat twice, a contrasting DO IT Craft Paint color can be selected for each jointed doll. The paint can then be applied unevenly with a medium bristle brush and applied to the doll in sweeping strokes. This creates the desired spontaneous brush stroke look.
  • For a clean look, you can also use a thin brush to draw fine, parallel or intersecting lines. In this case, it is advisable to work with a little paint first or, if necessary, to draw the lines with a pencil and then apply a second layer of paint to cover them.

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