Candles with wax plate strips and Marabu Candle Pen

Candles with a striped look are fresh and colourful and always welcome. The striped look is easily achieved with homemade wax plates.

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Tips and Tricks

  • Coat the cut-out wax strips on the rough side (upper side) with the Candle Pen glue and stick them on the candle. This way the smooth side (bottom side, dried on the foil) is visible on the candle.

How it is done:

  • Cover the work area and prepare the materials. Tap the colour into the tip of the pen to avoid air holes. First write on a paper towel and then spread the candle pen on the transparent film. Use a painting knife to smooth out the colour application.
  • After 4-5 hours drying time, the wax sheets are cut into strips with a ruler and cutter.
  • With the help of the Candle Liner candle glue, the individual strips are glued onto the candles.

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