Linen shirt for summer with Marabu Fashion Spray and Marabu Textil Print Screen Printing

Summer, sun, beach and sea! For the absolute feel-good factor, this self-designed linen shirt is a must on vacation. Quickly dyed with Marabu Fashion Spray and printed with Marabu Screen Printing. It couldn’t be easier.

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Marabu products you need...

…additionaly things you need

Light-colored linen shirt (max. 20% synthetic fibers)
printed template
Craft knife, cutting pad
Cardboard stencil
Foil, Paper
Tips and Tricks

  • The best time to clean the screen printing frame is immediately after printing, while the TEXTILE PRINT ink is still wet. Clean both sides of the screen with clear water and, if necessary, a mild detergent using a nailbrush or toothbrush. Ideally, the frame should then be carefully dabbed dry with a lint-free cloth to prevent the wood from warping due to moisture.

How it is done:

  • Wash the linen shirt without fabric softener before painting to remove the finish. Dry and iron the shirt. Cover the work area and lay out all work materials.
  • Lay the shirt unbuttoned on the covered work area so that the back is exposed and the paint cannot seep through to the front. Shake the Fashion Spray well before use and test it on a piece of kitchen paper. Then use the Fashion Spray to design the back as desired. Allow the paint to dry.
  • While the paint is drying, you can prepare the stencil for screen printing. First print the design on thicker paper, then cut it out with a craft knife. Keep the shapes from the inside of the letters (e.g., a or e).
  • The next step is to glue the stencil mirror-inverted to the flat side of the screen printing frame. The inner areas of the letters (e.g. for a or e) are also attached with craft glue.
  • All Marabu Textile Print inks are water based and can be mixed together. If you do not find the right color in the standard color selection, you can mix the colors as you wish. It is best to mix the desired color in a separate container.
  • Place the screen printing frame on the dried shirt. Place the flat side with the paper stencil on the shirt. Use the paint knife to apply a 1 cm wide strip of paint to the top edge of the screen.
  • Then, using the squeegee, pull the ink over the design from top to bottom without applying pressure until the entire design is covered. Then pull the squeegee from bottom to top with even pressure to transfer the ink to the fabric. Remove the screen from the shirt, remove the paper stencil, and clean the frame and squeegee. Allow the shirt to dry.
  • After drying, fix the shirt in the oven (8 min./150°C) or iron for 3 min. without steam. After setting, the shirt is washable up to 40°C.

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