Sparkling flutes and glasses with Marabu Chalky-Chic

These chalky-chic glasses will add plenty of colour to any party! What makes this design so special is the stylish colour transition – created by stippling two pastel Marabu Chalky-Chic chalk paints – which contrasts perfectly with the sparkling drink inside. 

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Marabu products you need...

…additionaly things you need

Stemmed glasses
Masking tape
Glass cleaner


  • Always make sure the rims remain undecorated. Glasses painted with CHALKY-CHIC are smudge-proof but not dishwasher-safe.

How it is done:

  • Before you begin, clean the glasses thoroughly and rub with cleaner and thinner. Using the masking tape, mark out the area of the glass that you are going to decorate. To create curved edges using the tape, simply tear off several smaller pieces and stick them on the glass so that they create a rounded shape.
  • Now carefully apply the first shade of chalk paint with a stencilling brush using a dabbing motion.
  • Immediately apply the second shade. Use a clean stencilling brush to do this. To create a gradient effect, gently dab along the line where the two colours meet: apply colour one to the area painted in colour two (always use the same brush with the same colour). Keep going until you have achieved the desired effect. Then remove the masking tape and wait until the paint is completely dry. Once decorated, your glasses should only be washed by hand.

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