Winter landscape cups with Marabu Porcelain

A comfy seat on the couch, a steaming hot cup of tea or coffee and a snowy winter landscape – what bliss… But if the view out of the window is not quite what you hoped, we help you rectify the situation. Use a suitable image and a little porcelain paint to add a beautiful design to your favourite cup. At least one dream can come true now!

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…additionaly things you need

screw cap


  • Cutting surfaces and drinking edges should not be painted as abrasion from cutlery can damage the paintwork.

How it is done:

  • Before painting it, scrub the teacup with an abrasive detergent and sponge and then wipe with Marabu Cleaner or white spirit to ensure it is free from dust and grease.
  • Prior to use, shake the paint marker well with the cap on (the mixing balls must be clearly audible). Then remove the cap and pump the tip on a neutral surface a few times until the ink becomes visible.
  • Start by using a flat, wide brush and the Marabu Porcelain paint to create an undulating snowy landscape on the lower half of the cup. To this end, pour the paint into a screw cap or similarly flat container. This makes it easier to apply to the wide brush.
  • Once the snowy landscape is dry, you can move on to the trees. Apply the paint sparingly using a dabbing motion as less is more here. Dabbing on trees in the background with a very thin layer of paint creates depth.
  • Once the porcelain paint has dried, add snowflakes to the design using the Porcelain & Glas Painter. After drying for four hours, fire the paint in the oven at 160°C for 30 minutes. The teacup is then dishwasher safe.

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