Marbled attention with Marabu easy marble in the tulip bouquet

Everyone enjoys a bouquet of tulips! It becomes a very special bouquet when a few marbled eggs are tucked in as decoration at Easter time. It’s so quick and looks fantastic.

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Marabu products you need...

…additionaly things you need

plastic container
wooden stick
Tips and Tricks

  • Before marbling the next egg, remove the paint residue from the water surface with a piece of newspaper.

How it is done:

  • First fill a shallow container with cold water and cover the table with newspaper. Firmly skewer the eggs onto a wooden stick. Now put on disposable gloves and shake the colours well.
  • One after the other, drip a few drops of each colour directly from the jar into the water. The marbling colour remains on the surface of the water.
  • Now it should go quickly. Using a wooden skewer, carefully mix both colours together to create a marbling pattern.
  • Dip the egg into the water through the marbling pattern. Then move the paint to the edge of the jar by blowing to create a paint-free "hole" in the water. Pull the egg out quickly. Place on the wooden skewer in a jar to dry. When dry, decorate with the wooden skewer in the bouquet.

Design your own Easter pendants: quick and easy with Marabu Alcohol Ink

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