Marabu easy marble starter set
6 x 15 ml

Creating marble effects has never been so easy
The right decoration for every season: Marabu easy marble turns simple white Easter eggs or plain coloured Christmas baubles into a special eyecatcher. The marble colours are ideal for immersion marble effects on plastic, glass, wood, metal, polystyrene as well as large-area marble effects on paper. The set contains six colours so you can get started in the world of marble effects.
Content: 6 x easy marble 15 ml (Medium yellow 021,Ruby red 038, Azure blue 095, Rich green 067, Crystal clear 101, Black 073), 1 x instructions
Shaking of marbling paint Easy marble
Effect and white pigments in neon, metallic and pastel shades settle heavily to the bottom. You should therefore shake them well or remove the drip cap and briefly stir the paint.
• More paint and a cooler water temperature extend the drying time of the paint film on the surface of the water.
• When adding marble effects to polystyrene, only use a small amount of paint.
• The more paint you use, the more intensive the marble effect will be. The fresher the paint, the better the result.
• If paint droplets are added with too much of a flourish or too slowly, air bubbles can form on the marbled surface, which result in white spots when the object dries.
• Pre-clean smooth surfaces such as metal or glass with alcohol.
• Standard and neon paints are only suitable for light backgrounds. Pastel and metallic shades can also be used on dark objects. Crystal clear is ideal for monochrome marbling.
• Not food safe or washable
• For plastic, glass, wood, polystyrene, fabric, paper, metal