Storage box for the kitchen with Marabu Chalky-Chic Chalk spray paint

Eat more fruit! Fruit and veg can be stored very nicely in these stylish boxes, and the good intentions become so much easier to follow through. The trendy Chalky-Chic chalk paints are simply sprayed onto fruit boxes in your favourite colours and labelled with the Deco Painter.

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…additionaly things you need

Same size fruit boxes (e.g. orange boxes)
Masking tape
Paper (DIN A4)


  • Thoroughly shake the Marabu CHALKY-CHIC spray bottles before use. Shake the bottles well after each spray break. Finally, turn the spray can upside down and spray until the valve is empty.

How it is done:

  • Remove any labels, adhesive residue and dirt from the fruit boxes to get an even surface as much as possible. Place the first box onto a base and spray evenly with the chalk spray paint. It is recommended you work outside or in a well ventilated room. Dry each side completely before spraying the next. Proceed in the same way for the following boxes.
  • Once everything is dry, measure the side height of a box. Print the desired words in suitable font size on the A4 paper. Cut out the letters neatly with scissors.
  • Attach the paper to the box as required using masking tape and trace the outline with a pencil. You can now trace the outline with the acrylic painting pen and colour in the letters. Before painting, shake the pens well and carefully pump them. First write with them on a piece of paper.

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